Breakdowns and the timeline for the animated short film”Umbrella”

1.Basic story arcs

  • Exposition: introduction of setting, characters, problems.
  • Rising action: characters struggling with problem.
  • Climax: tense moment of crisis.
  • Falling action: movement toward an ending.
  • Resolution: returning the story to stability by showing the final results of the climax.

8 stages of story arcs

2. Types of characters

  • Protagonist: The main character of the story. Antagonist: Standing against the protagonist.
  • Dynamic: Experiencing inner changes through learning something. Static: The character makes no changes of their ways.
  • Round: Well-developed, with realistic emotions, conflicting feelings and multi- layered. Flat: One-dimensional, lacks emotional depth.

3. The example of a timeline for the character

4. Breakdowns and the timeline for the animated short film””

  • Story arcs: (simplify it to 4 stages)

Exposition: A woman brings her daughter and a box containing some toys to the charity taking in the orphans. a boy from the charity gets excited through the window when he sees the yellow umbrellas carried by that woman.

Rising action: Children are having fun with the toys the woman bring, at the same time, her little daughter notice that the yellow umbrella they brought is lost, however, she finds out something weird and follows through the drops to the upstairs.

Climax: The girl sees that boy is hiding something in the locker, she feels it must be him stealing their yellow umbrella before getting angry and having conflict with the boy. Accidently, the things contained in the locker all fall down and appeal to the adults coming through after which the girl takes back the umbrella angrily, leading to the sobbing boy who starts to reveal his story by his falling tears.

Falling action: After knowing his past story about his absent loving father and the meaning of the umbrella to him, they realise that they got a boy wrong and get pity for him before giving that yellow umbrella to him.

Resolution: The truth is that the boy misses his father who carries that yellow umbrella all the time, therefore, he has been looking and searching for his father by recognising the umbrella, and the reason why he hides it is that that yellow one means a lot to him also he wants to keep those memories. In the end, he relieves the sadness for his beloved father, which carries him long, by getting warm love from his lovely partner.

(what is more, his partner seems like that girl who got him wrong when they are little 🙂 what a sad and beautiful short animated film!)

  • The archetypes of the characters:

As we can see, the protagonist is the boy who wears the yellow scarf and the antagonist is the girl with a pink hat, who stands against the boy at the beginning. In addition, they both are dynamic and round characters.

The boy experiences the inner changes, from a person who always misses his beloved father and feels sorrowful with that yellow umbrella to a person who can open his heart to other people and relieve himself of his past. Besides, we can tell his realistic emotions and feelings such as Blue, excited, sad, and pleased

The shift towards the attitudes shows the girl in this film is a well-developed and multi-layered character. For starters, all of her movements and facial expression can obviously illustrate that she is such an indifferent and remorseless girl, however, she becomes a caring and warm person who salvage the protagonist to some point in the end.