
I’d been thinking about the scene of taking a bath in surreal environment.

And I tried to think of the feelings and the scene when it comes to bathing in my imagination.

In this sense, I found some references that I really like the fantasy style of it, which gave me sort of inspiration.

The feelings might be something like bathing in the cloud, which is quite dreamy and comfy.

And then I tried to construct my own scene and do the simple character animation in Maya first.


I think the animation of my character would be short and clean.

Lighting & Render

I try many version of lighting and rendering test of this scene.

The first version is quite dark inside and there’s no contrast between the dark part and bright ones.

In this sense, I start to analyse the construction and direction of the lighting in this scene


Then it’s for adjusting and testing. It takes me too long for render one of it because I use the volume for creating the cloud(I don’t really wanna do it in AE cuz I want it to be more realistic)

Anyways, I hope this scene should be atmospheric and chilled.